Shared passion for quality
A Customer View on Working with Constantia Flexibles
When it is shared, passion can be extremely unifying. Just ask Lars Jakobsen from Fertin Pharma, who has worked with Constantia Flexibles for almost a decade. Lars is a packaging and quality specialist at this Denmark-based company focused on innovative delivery systems for pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. The passion for quality and problem-solving he shares with his partners at Constantia Flexibles has produced fast, outstanding results over the years. In this interview, we spoke to Lars about first impressions, best experiences as well as his other private and professional passions.

Lars Jakobsen
Principal Specialist, Quality Unit
Fertin Pharma
Constantia Flexibles: When did you first come into contact with Constantia Flexibles and what was the occasion?
Lars Jakobsen: It was late 2010 and our packaging supplier at the time was unable to fulfill one of our orders. I asked around if anyone had a recommendation for a company supplying peel-push, child-resistant, and senior-friendly lidding foil and one of my colleagues suggested Constantia Flexibles. So, I got in contact with the Pharmaceuticals team and they gave us their full support in a change control process that lasted just six months, which – particularly in our sector – is extremely fast.
Constantia Flexibles: What was your first impression of Constantia Flexibles and the people working there?
Lars Jakobsen: Right from the start, everyone I was in contact with was extremely professional and helpful. I could tell that they were eager to help us out of the tough spot we were in.
Constantia Flexibles: If you had to choose one packaging technology or specific product at Constantia Flexibles that you value most, what would it be and why?
Lars Jakobsen: Instead of a single product, I think I would have to say aluminum in general. The company has profound expertise when it comes to this material, and we benefit from their knowledge.
Constantia Flexibles: What was your best experience with Constantia Flexibles?
Lars Jakobsen: I’d have to go back to that child-resistant, senior-friendly lidding foil I mentioned earlier. At the time, there were some issues with the way the aluminum was performing. We worked with Constantia Flexibles to tweak the material and get the results we wanted. And they managed the turnaround in six months, which is practically nothing in a business like ours. Elsewhere, developments like these can take two years or more.
Constantia Flexibles: How would you describe your relationship with your contacts at Constantia Flexibles?
Lars Jakobsen: Of the ten to twelve people I know at the company, I would say that there are three or four with whom I am quite close. We speak on the phone often and even socialize when we have the opportunity. The relationship is not just professional, we are like old friends!
Constantia Flexibles: In your day-to-day dealings with Constantia Flexibles, do you get a sense that the team is passionate about what they do?
Lars Jakobsen: It’s pretty clear to me that our contacts have a strong sense of pride in their work. They put a massive effort into solving every challenge that arises, whether it has to do with technical or fulfillment issues or a project we are co-developing.
Constantia Flexibles: And how about you – what are you passionate about?
Lars Jakobsen: My current role is in the quality unit, but I have also done a lot of work in packaging. The two things I am most passionate about are finding the right solution and ensuring the best possible quality. The same is true in my kitchen at home, where I love to cook a good meal and pair it with the perfect bottle of wine.